AWS Joist Plate™ Installation


Review the project layout with the lead installer. Decide where your cut pavers should lay out. The surface should be swept clean of all debris. Stack pavers on the deck/area. Be careful not to point load any one area. Measure from left to right making sure no small cuts end up at railings/walls. Set string line going from north to south and east to west. The string line is a guide to maintain square sets of your pavers at the appropriate height. Most clients or architects would like to see the pavers tuck just underneath the threshold with cut pavers ending up against the side of the building/house.


Using the AWS Joist Plate™ System over an open framed wood deck

Wood decks are everywhere. Now you can have a magnificent looking paver deck using the same framing system as a standard wooden deck. Be sure to frame your open joist system at the On Center (OC) measurement of the paver you are installing when installing the AWS Joist Plate System. We recommend using 4”X pressure treated wood to frame your deck. Once your deck is framed to the OC measurement of the product you are installing you are ready for the next step in the installation process. Strata Grid 150 web retention material normally comes in 3’ x 50’ rolls. Find this product at your local landscape material supply outlets.

Lay this material on top of your framed layout and staple to the framing to secure in place. Strata Grid provides an excellent added protective barrier to open framed deck systems. Now you can begin your install. Use the patented AWS Joist Plate™ system. The AWS Joist Plate™ is available in either ABS plastic or made from recycled rubber. The rubber Joist Plate is a wonderful noise-dampening tool but not suited for every installation due to the engineered flexibility of this piece. Not using the recommended AWS Joist Plate system parts or substituting foreign materials can contribute to problems with your paver project.

Installing the field:

Place one AWS Joist Plate™ under each corner of the pavers. We recommend not attaching the joist plate to the framing. Let the entire paver floor system float without hindrance from attached joist plates. Check for level after installing each paver. The wood will continue to expand and contract especially during the initial months following construction. Take care during installation to avoid any circumstance that pinches pavers.

Installing the perimeter/cut pavers:

This is slightly different. Use a utility hammer to knock off two (2) fins allowing the joist plate to slide along the seam between the pavers while still providing the support needed at that point. Or you may choose this method. All Joist Plates are scored on the underside to make cutting in half an easy task. Place the flat edge of the ½ joist plate against the perimeter when installing these pavers.

Installing a corner paver:

A 1/8” Top Shim makes a good elevator in corners or angled paver installs. The 1/8” Top Shim is the same, 1/8”, height as the joist plate. A proper installation will use numerous 1/8” and 1/16” wedge shaped Top Shims. The Top Shim(s) is designed to snap into place at one of four quadrants of the Joist Plate. Be sure to check all shims to make sure they are securely in place before final paver placement. Bottom shims compensate for areas requiring a slight boost in height to match up with adjoining pavers. Each bottom shim will snap in place to the underside of the joist plate. When attaching fascia trim board and exterior mounted railings, be sure not to pinch your floating floor system. Normal joist plate installations will not use the buffer pad. See installing pavers over concrete surfaces.